Monday, July 30, 2018

To Make a Difference

“To have changed the hearts and minds of others for good and for better is to have been a good teacher”.
- Sister Madeleva 

*Note: I started this post in June but waited to post it until today.

This past June marked my 14th year of teaching.  It also marked my last year as a classroom teacher. Today, July 30th, I will embark on a new journey; one that is scary, challenging, different, and unknown. I will become an administrator. 

An Administrator. Me. Is it too late to change my mind? Just joking :) To be honest, I feel like God spent the last year preparing me for the next step in my life and career. As the saying goes, “iron sharpens iron” and that iron is pretty sharp now.  I have no doubts that I made the right decision or that I left the classroom at the right time. God called me, and I listened.

Now, more than ever, I feel like we need good leaders. Not only do we need good leaders, we need servant leaders who strive to build up those around them.  We need leaders who are willing to admit when they’re wrong, who make the difficult choice when no one else wants to, who are  a voice for the marginalized and oppressed, and who constantly strive to help others become the best version of themselves. 

In a lot of ways, the leader I want to be is tied closely to the teacher I strived to be. Moving forward, I hope I never forget why I went into education in the first place: to help others find their light. Today is day three of the Hoosier Writing Project which is being held at my alma mater, Saint Mary’s College. Many of the buildings have been remodeled and I stumbled upon a small room in Madeleva Hall. Located on the bottom floor is a small nook dedicated to Sister Madeleva. Several of her quotes are on display and I was struck by the one I included on the top of this blog: “To have changed the hearts and minds of others for good and for better is to have been a good teacher”.

People have a lot to say about education, particularly public education, these days. They are quick to point out our flaws, failures, and mistakes and slow to identify the good we’ve done and do daily. I work with teachers who demonstrate a high commitment to their students, and I know teachers across the country who demonstrate a similar commitment to their students. 

When I think about my fourteen years, I hope my commitment to the following principles changed lives for the better:

Having high expectations for my students. While many of us question students’ actions at some point, we also know that they are not the asinine, Tide Pod eating idiots that society paints them out to be. They are children and teens who are trying desperately to make sense out of a senseless world and sometimes they get it wrong. If there’s anything I’ve learned as a teacher, it’s that everyone has potential and we must strive to help them reach that potential.

Teaching students that they are worthy of love and kindness. I know I had students who went days, weeks, and months without being told they were loved. Can you imagine? What happens to a plant when we withhold love? The same is true for students across the country and world. I pray that every child has an adult at his or her school who loves and cares for them. I tried every day to be that for mine. 

Encouraging students to find their voice and to believe their voices matter, even if it’s only to themselves. Music, performance, writing, athletics. All of these, and many others,  are outlets for students. It is on the mat, floor, paper, and stage that many people share who they are and what they love with others.  Kids have a lot to say when we take the time to listen, and I tried to help students find their voice whether I was their coach, mentor, or teacher.

Reminding students that even though life is difficult, it’s still worth living.  I think this one is the hardest  to teach because the world can be so ugly. Evil is rampant, funerals are prolific, and the haters are strong. I hope my students learn to draw close to the people and resources who give them the strength to persevere and choose life and love over fear and hatred.  

Helping students to be a light. This year, I posted a saying in my room that I stole from one of my devotionals: “Let your words be kind, affirming, challenging to be more, and respectful”.  Many of them had it memorized and would say it before I could remind them of the expectation. I think we all fall short of the expectation sometimes, but I can’t help but think how much more luminous this world would be if our words spoke life. 

I’m sure there are other lessons, experiences, or examples that I could cite from my teaching career, but these are the ones speaking to me today. I am honored and blessed to have had the opportunity to be a teacher, and I hope one day, I can say the same about being an administrator. 

As I transition to administration, I hope to grow and learn as a person, teacher, and leader. I also hope that I can use my new position to better support the children and teachers in my building. 

As I think about the next step in my journey, I want to:

Strive to be a true servant leader, one who is humble, who listens, who speaks life, and who has high expectations for everyone. 

Be OK with making a mistake. I know I will make mistakes along the way, but I will work to learn from my mistakes and move forward. Hopefully, people with have patience with me during this time, but I’m prepared for them not to! 

Maintain my balance. Balance was my word of the year for 2018, and I think it will be just as important as I take this next step in my career. 

Have prudence. I know that I will face adversity in my administrative career and I pray that I have the prudence and strength to overcome the challenges I will face.

Build and cultivate relationships. Relationships are key in education and life. I hope to build and maintain relationships with all stakeholders and to work for the common good.

Have high expectations for all. I live by the motto: How can you be the best version of yourself today? No one should settle for a life of mediocrity and if the work we’re doing daily isn’t lifting us up, then something must change.

Have ears to hear is imperative. Too often, we speak without thinking or don’t tune in to the conversation around us. I want to be present, to listen and speak with purpose, and to to reflect.

I’m sure my list will lengthen as the year goes on, and my intent is to transition my reflective teaching blog to one on reflective leading. 

For now, I will look forward to the new year and to all of the things I have yet to learn or experience. 

We have work to do in our schools, classrooms, and communities, but we can’t do it alone. I’m a firm believer in the village, and I’m looking forward to cultivating ours.  My hope is that some of you will join me.