Monday, August 20, 2012

Reflective Practice

I'm currently taking a course called Reflective Practice for teachers, and it is one of the best courses I've taken in a long time.  One of the requirements of the course is to take time to reflect on teaching practice...remember all those learning logs and reflections that went in our portfolio?  Turns out they had a purpose other than to make us sit at a computer for hours typing.  This year, I have committed to videotaping myself, having a structured observation with purpose, and reflecting on my lessons through this blog.  It will not be an easy journey, as I already know I have a million things I need to work on.  However, the only way I will get better is if I actually identify my challenges, seek help, and get better. Let the journey begin.

1 comment:

  1. I want to be like you when you grow up! You are an amazing person and am blessed to know you!
