I wanted to write this last night when it was fresh in my mind, but it was a long day and I didn't get home until late so keeping my eyes open was difficult.
I'm not sure I've ever had an entire day (until 5th hour) go completely wrong until yesterday. However, it was a great teaching tool even if it made me want a huge do over button and a bottle of Moscato.
I was excited for first hour because I wanted to get my students going on edublogs, get rotations going, and get some much needed small group writing instruction. We only got through one station. ONE. Here's why: I assumed...even though I know everything wrong that can happen when we assume. Assumptions: my students could set up a blog (title, username, etc.), my kids could figure out how to post a blog, my students knew how to blog (ie write!), Here's what I learned: the word blog scared my kids: "I don't know how to blog Miss!!" What's a blog? I don't get it? What should my title be? There's no save button (yes, it's on the side...it says save), What color should it be?
Just typing all of that makes my head hurt. I was supposed to be working with my writing group, remember? Actually, in hindsight, my writing group functioned really well without me (one good thing!),
The bell rang, I felt frazzled, and I thought I would be able to regroup during my plan hour. I made the mistake of going in the office and was pulled into a meeting. I didn't get anything done, and rushed to get to third hour which keeps growing and growing and growing. This class is huge. I have football players who are HUGE, I have kids who are small but have big mouths, I have some kids that need to stand up because sitting down is a nightmare. Every seat is full and it is a difficult class to keep on task. After a long third hour (the longest of the day) I was desperate for a reprieve. I needed to catch my breath. Two more class periods to go, though, so that wasn't happening.
Take aways from the day: Explain everything, even if it seems like something everyone would know. Assume nothing. Certain kids are not allowed to use the bathroom. ever. I need help with my third hour. I need to post more things in the room. I have A LOT of work to do to get better.
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